Wire-Coated German Terrier (Schnauzer or Rattler)
From Dogs of all Nations by W. E. Mason
Panama-Paciic International Exposition 1915, San Francisce, Dal
Color: Pepper and salt, iron-gray, silver-gray, dull black with yellow or tan
markings on head and legs, rust-yellow and gray-yellow. A bright red is objectionable.
Height: 18 in.
Weight: 28 Ibs.
This is a strongly built cobby dog, of a rather nervous temperament, yet he is gay,
watchful, very intelligent and courageous, without being quarrelsome. He is a first
rate rat dog. The head is strong, fairly long, with a flat skull rather narrow between
the ears, and the occiput is well developed. The ears are set on high and are cropped
with rounded tips. The oval eyes convey an intelligent and vivacious expression, with
eyebrows well developed and covered with rough upstanding hair. His back is strong
and straight and rather flat sided in rib. The tail is set on high, is docked very short
and if a bob-tail is much appreciated. The coat is as hard, rough and wiry as possible,
of the stand-off variety and though it is shorter on the head, it is not softer. On the
muzzle we find a characteristic short beard and whiskers.
This breed has worked himself into popular favor in Germany by his indefatigable
industry as a worker and as a good friend of the horse, hence he is much appreciated in
the stable. Certainly he is very intelligent, a very apt pupil, as quick as lightning in his
movements and unfailing in his fidelity, courage, endurance and muscular strength.
He is a rare good dog for bad weather purposes.
FOR MORE INFORMATION on the Standard Schnauzer
For those of you who would like more details about the development of the Standard Schnauzer,
see the Standard Schnauzer Source Book, Volume I, Volume II, and Volume III.
Visit our Publications page to order a copy.