The Standard Schnauzer (SS) is the oldest (and original prototype) of the three
Schnauzer breeds. Since the Middle Ages, dogs very like today's Standard Schnauzer
performed household and farm duties in Germany: guarding the family and livestock,
ridding the farmyard of vermin, and protecting their owners as they traveled to
market. These rough-haired, medium-sized dogs were descended from early European
herding and guardian breeds and were not related to the superficially similar
terriers of Britain.
In the mid-19th century, German dog fanciers began to take an interest in
this useful native breed. Crosses were made with gray Wolfspitz and black
German Poodle to produce the distinctive pepper and salt and black colors.
At this time, the medium-sized dogs were also being crossed with other breeds
to develop the Miniature and, later, the Giant Schnauzer.
Wire-haired Pinschers, as the breed was originally known, were first
exhibited in Germany in the 1870s. The official German breed standard
of that era describes a dog remarkably similar to the Standard Schnauzer of today.
By the turn of the century, the breed was becoming universally known as the
Schnauzer, a reference to the breed's hallmark a muzzle (German: schnauze)
sporting a bristly beard and moustache, as well as to an early show winner of
that name.
The first importation of the Standard
Schnauzer was apparently around 1900, but it was not until after World War I
that the breed was brought into the United States in any significant number.
The Standard Schnauzer has never been a popular breed in the USA, which is one
reason why most puppies are bred by serious fanciers whose primary goal is the
preservation and improvement of the breed.
In 1925, the Schnauzer Club of America was formed, with the club being split
in 1933 to form the Standard Schnauzer Club of America (SSCA) and the American
Miniature Schnauzer Club. A written standard of perfection describing the ideal
Standard Schnauzer was approved by the AKC in 19??. It has been revised several
times in the intervening years to further clarify the picture of the ideal dog.
The objectives of the SSCA include: to define the AKC standard for the breed,
to serve as a source of breed information for the public, to advance and protect
the interests of the breed, to promote the SS as a show, performance and family
dog, to encourage sportsmanship among owners and fanciers, and to promote the
formation of regional clubs.
There are now eight regional Standard Schnauzer clubs throughout the country.
These local clubs provide considerable help to new owners with grooming and training
their puppy, and hold programs and events throughout the year of interest both to
novice and experienced owners of the breed.
Rescue: The SSCA and regional clubs also have Rescue programs for lost,
homeless or unwanted SS. Details can be found on the
Rescue page.
Today's Standard Schnauzer is a medium-sized working breed in the schnauzer/pinscher canine
family. It is not a terrier and was not developed to "go to ground." SS are
characterized by a robust, square, athletic build, a dense, wiry, harsh coat of black or
pepper and salt and an energetic, intelligent temperament. Standard Schnauzers are
sociable, alert, affectionate, protective and reliable in nature, with a good sense of
humor. They are generally healthy, sturdy and long-lived with few hereditary illnesses.
SSCA breeders check their stock for hip dysplasia, and most also screen for eye defects
and other hereditary problems.
The breed is of true medium size, with males between 18-20" high at the shoulder,
weighing 40-45 lbs, while females are between 17-19" high, weighing 35-40 pounds.
The Standard Schnauzer is not the breed for those who want a slow, placid dog or one
that can be "fed and forgotten" for they insist on being part of the family
activities and develop best when treated in this manner. They are outstanding companions
known for their devotion and love of their family, and are not "one person dogs"
but instead become a true family member. SS are particularly good with children, being
playful and tolerant. At the same time, they are alert to any intruder which might
threaten their home and family.
Standards are very intelligent and can be strong-willed. Owners must be prepared to
train their new puppy from the beginning. Early Kindergarten Puppy Training and later,
regular obedience classes, is the best approach.
The SSCA strongly recommends that dogs not used for breeding or those with inheritable
problems be spayed or neutered. This avoids accidental breedings and reduces undesirable
behaviors such as "marking", as well as possible diseases of the reproductive
system. Neutered animals can compete in all AKC events except conformation shows.
Many SS participate in conformation and performance events (obedience, agility) where
their trainability, alertness and enthusiasm serve them well. One growing area of interest
among Standard owners is herding, for which most SS show real talent. A number of Standards
now serve as Therapy Dogs, as Service Dogs for the physically-challenged, Search-and
Rescue Dogs or as drug or bomb-detection dogs.
Historical Article: Wire-Coated German Terrier (Schnauzer or Rattler)
From Dogs of all Nations by W. E. Mason
Panama-Pacifc International Exposition 1915, San Francisce, Dal
Color: Pepper and salt, iron-gray, silver-gray, dull black with yellow or tan
markings on head and legs, rust-yellow and gray-yellow. A bright red is objectionable.
Height: 18 in.
Weight: 28 Ibs.
This is a strongly built cobby dog, of a rather nervous temperament, yet he is gay,
watchful, very intelligent and courageous, without being quarrelsome. He is a first
rate rat dog. The head is strong, fairly long, with a flat skull rather narrow between
the ears, and the occiput is well developed. The ears are set on high and are cropped
with rounded tips. The oval eyes convey an intelligent and vivacious expression, with
eyebrows well developed and covered with rough upstanding hair. His back is strong
and straight and rather flat sided in rib. The tail is set on high, is docked very short
and if a bob-tail is much appreciated. The coat is as hard, rough and wiry as possible,
of the stand-off variety and though it is shorter on the head, it is not softer. On the
muzzle we find a characteristic short beard and whiskers.
This breed has worked himself into popular favor in Germany by his indefatigable
industry as a worker and as a good friend of the horse, hence he is much appreciated in
the stable. Certainly he is very intelligent, a very apt pupil, as quick as lightning in his
movements and unfailing in his fidelity, courage, endurance and muscular strength.
He is a rare good dog for bad weather purposes.
FOR MORE INFORMATION on the Standard Schnauzer
For those of you who would like more details about the development of the Standard Schnauzer,
see the Standard Schnauzer Source Book, Volume I, Volume II, and Volume III.
Visit our Publications page to order a copy.